7. Measurements on Analog/Digital Interfaces

7.1. Clipping Level


o       CLIP_AD.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

Components using internal digital signal processing must not be overdriven since any loading in excess of the digital level range would result in strong distortion of the signal (clipping level). The full-scale amplitude therefore plays a far more important role in digital than in analog applications. 
The clipping level must be determined for all digital components with analog input stage. If digital outputs are accessible, this is accomplished by increasing the level of a 997-Hz sinusoidal input signal until the peak value of the digital output signal equals the largest data word (full scale).

The level thus obtained defines the full-scale amplitude of the digital system and is used as a reference value in a variety of measurements.

Notes on measurements:

The setup supplies an analog output signal of 997 Hz. The level is set to 1 V. 

As the clipping level serves as a reference in a variety of other measurements, it is expedient to use the Ref Volt function of UPD/UPL. The data can then be entered in dBr in the VOLTAGE line of the GENERATOR panel, which does away with the need for constantly converting the levels to the clipping level.

To determine the full-scale amplitude as described above, the level of the generator signal is increased in the Ref Volt line until the analyzer indicates the peak value of 0 dBFS. In doing this, it must be ensured that the full-scale value is not exceeded in none of the channels.
The clipping level thus obtained can then be transferred to all setups used for measurements on that particular DUT; any other level entries are made in dBr in the VOLTAGE line.


7.2. Linearity of A/D Converters



o        LINS_AD.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

A 997-Hz sinusoidal signal is applied to the input of the DUT. The level of this signal is decreased in steps of 5 dB starting from the full-scale amplitude. The output signal is measured and represented graphically versus the input signal. As the signal disappears in the noise with decreasing level, narrowband measurement using a third-octave bandpass filter is performed.

In the setup described here, converter linearity is measured by means of a level sweep from 0 dBr to -120 dBr. With a linear response of the converter, a diagonal is obtained as shown in the graphic display of Fig. 11.



Since deviations from the nominal characteristic are difficult to recognize in the above type of  representation, level nonlinearity is measured in most cases, which is described in the next setup.

Notes on measurements:

To drive the DUT at full-scale level, the clipping level determined in the previous measurement is to be entered into the Ref Volt line of the GENERATOR panel. This level serves as a reference for all level values defined in dBr in the sweep lines.
The reference level used for x-axis scaling in the graphic display shown above is in this setup automatically transferred from the GENERATOR panel into the Reference line under x Axis.



7.3. Nonlinearity of A/D Converters


o        LINDS_AD.SAC

Same as previous setup, but showing deviation from ideal characteristic.

Definitions and test conditions:

This type of measurement is defined by AES 17, the test parameter being referred to as level-dependent logarithmic gain. A linearity measurement is performed, the first result is however recorded only at 5 dBFS. For each test step, the logarithmic gain, ie ratio of output amplitude to input amplitude, is to be determined and represented graphically versus the input level. The resulting diagram shows the deviation of the converter transmission characteristic from the nominal linearity characteristic.

Measurements are to be performed selectively using a third-octave bandpass filter.

Notes on measurements:

For this measurement, too, the clipping level determined in accordance with 7.1 "Clipping Level" is to be entered into the Ref Volt line of the GENERATOR panel. This level serves as a reference for all level values defined in dBr in the sweep lines. 

In the ideal case, a straight line is obtained in the graphic display, any deviation from the ideal characteristic of the converter can be read in dB.



This type of measurement however involves a physical problem, ie referring the digital output voltage of the converter to the analog input voltage at every test point. Audio Analyzers UPD and UPL have an internal "conversion factor" of 1 FS ^ 1 V. With this factor, a straight line would be obtained but it would not coincide with the zero line. The gain factor of the DUT must, therefore, be taken into account in addition. This is done by means of the NORMALIZE function, which is included in the DISPLAY Panel (see Fig. 12). Here the gain can be entered directly, it is however easier in most cases to transfer this value from the graphic display. To this end, a cursor is placed on the linear section of the curve and the cursor value is transferred to the NORMALIZE line by selecting the item o Cursor.


7.4. Linearity of D/A Converters


o        LINS_DA.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

For linearity measurements of D/A converters, the information given under 7.2 "Linearity of A/D Converters" applies analogously.

In addition it should be noted that for this measurement the digital input signal should contain a dither with a triangular probability density function and a level of 1 LSB. This dither is set in the setup.

Notes on measurements:

The reference value used for graphic display of the level values in dBr is obtained from the gain ratio of the converter, ie the ratio of digital input amplitude to analog output amplitude. With this setup, the reference value is easiest taken from the Reference line by selecting the MAX item. The maximum value measured will thus be taken as a reference. In this setup, this value corresponds to maximum level of the DUT since the generator sweep is started at 0 dBFS.


7.5. Nonlinearity of D/A Converters



o        LINDS_DA.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

This measurement too is defined by AES 17.  The information given under 7.3 "Nonlinearity of A/D Converters" applies analogously.

For this measurement too the digital input signal should contain a dither with a triangular probability density function and a level of 1 LSB. This dither is set in the setup.

Notes on measurements:

The measurement procedure is the same as described under 7.3 for "Nonlinearity of A/D Converters".  In this case too the NORMALIZE function is needed; the gain of the converter is easiest transferred from the graphic diagram as described for the A/D converter above.



7.6. Signal Delay in Analog and Digital Systems


! This measurement function is available only in Audio Analyzer UPL !


o        DEL_AA.SAC

o        DEL_AD.SAC

o        DEL_DA.SAC

o        DEL_DD.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

This measurement is used to determine the signal delay between the input and the output of a digital system. In accordance with AES 17, a pulse-shaped signal is applied to the DUT. The input and the output signal are displayed on an oscilloscope from which the delay can be read. The measurement is used whenever digital signal processing takes place, also on DUTs with analog or analog/digital interfaces.

Notes on measurements:

The measurement is performed with Audio Analyzer UPL in compliance with AES 17. Compared with conventional dual-channel oscilloscopes, UPL offers the advantage that the two stereo channels can be measured simultaneously, thus allowing any delay between the two channels to be detected immediately. 

This is possible because of the fact that UPL, using the Waveform function, can be triggered not only to the measurement channels but also to a burst signal supplied by the generator. This measurement function ensures that the measurement is started for the two channels exactly time-synchronously with the issue of the test signal. Since the test signal is applied to the input of the DUT, exact triggering to the input signal of the DUT is performed. Internal delays of UPL are taken into account and do not affect results.

For this test, a sine burst with a level of -20 dBFS is generated as prescribed by AES 17. The burst consists of a 1-kHz signal which is output 10 times, followed by an interval of 90 ms.



The signal delay is measured with the aid of the cursor. To this end, the cursor is placed at the point at which the signal departs from the zero line. The graphic window shows the level measured for each cursor position, so this procedure is very easy to perform. The delay is then indicated directly in the second cursor display window (the zero point in the graphic display corresponds to the start of the test signal).

If the measurement is to be performed for both channels, TRACE B is to be set to the FUNC CH 2 measurement function. The second cursor can then be used for channel 2. It is further possible to display the time difference between the two cursors directly by appropriate setting using the softkeys at the bottom of the screen.

With equipment performing filtering of the signal, it may occur that the test signal is attenuated while settling to steady state. To be able to observe this effect in greater detail, a burst with several signal periods is used. Fig. 13 shows an example of such a measurement.

In addition to signal delay, AES 17 describes determination of the polarity between the input and the output signal. This is likewise performed with the setup described here. Polarity reversal is indicated if the displayed output signal does not start with the positive half-wave as is the case with the test signal from the generator.